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Technical Requirements

How to define the technology stack to be used?

  • Understand project Requirements
  • Evaluate available technologies
  • Consider team's expertise
  • Analyze project's Constraints
  • Make final decision

Table of Contents

  1. The Process
    1. Understanding the Project Requirements
    2. Evaluating the Available Technologies
    3. Considering the Team's Expertise
    4. Analyzing the Project's Constraints
    5. Making the Final Decision
  2. Case Studies
  3. Example
  4. Template
  5. Checklist

The Process

timeline title Defining the technology stack Understanding the Project Requirements: Define software goal : Understand user needs : Document requirements Evaluating the Available Technologies: Research technologies : Evaluate compatibility : Assess technology cost : Check support/community Considering the Team's Expertise: Assess team skills : Consider training needs Analyzing the Project's Constraints: Consider deadlines : Evaluate budget : Assess resources Making the Final Decision: Finalize technology stack : Document decision : Communicate decision : Stay flexible

Understanding the Project Requirements

The first step in defining the technology stack to be used is to understand the project Requirements. This involves having a clear understanding of what the software is supposed to accomplish. It also involves understanding the Requirements of the Users and the System. The Requirements should be clearly defined and documented. This will help in choosing the right technologies that can effectively meet these Requirements.

Evaluating the Available Technologies

Once the project Requirements are understood, the next step is to evaluate the available technologies. This involves researching and understanding the various technologies that are available for software development. The evaluation should consider factors such as the capabilities of the technology, its compatibility with the project Requirements, its scalability, its Reliability, and its cost. The technology should also be evaluated in terms of its support and community, as this can affect its long-term viability.

Considering the Team's Expertise

The technology stack should also take into account the expertise of the Development team. The team should be comfortable with the chosen technologies and should have the necessary skills to work with them. If the team is not familiar with the technologies, then training may be required, which can add to the cost and time of the project. Therefore, the team's expertise is a crucial factor in choosing the technology stack.

Analyzing the Project's Constraints

The project's Constraints, such as time, budget, and resources, should also be considered when defining the technology stack. If the project has a tight deadline, then it may be best to choose technologies that the team is already familiar with. If the project has a limited budget, then open-source technologies may be a good option. The available resources, such as hardware and software, should also be considered, as they can limit the choice of technologies.

Making the Final Decision

Once all the factors have been considered, the final decision can be made. The chosen technology stack should meet the project Requirements, be within the project's Constraints, and be something that the team is comfortable working with. The decision should be documented and communicated to all Stakeholders. It is also important to remain flexible and open to changes, as the project Requirements may change or new technologies may become available.

Case Studies

Case Study 1: Start-up E-commerce Platform

A start-up company is planning to develop an e-commerce platform. The team is small, with expertise in Python and Django. They have a tight budget and a short timeline. After evaluating the project Requirements and Constraints, they decide to use Python, Django, PostgreSQL for backend, and React.js for frontend as their technology stack.

graph A[Project Requirements] --> B[Evaluation of Technologies] B --> C[Team's Expertise] C --> D[Project's Constraints] D --> E[Final Decision] E --> F[Python, Django, PostgreSQL, React.js]

Case Study 2: Large-Scale Data Processing Application

A financial company wants to develop a large-scale data processing application. The team has expertise in Java and Hadoop. After evaluating the project Requirements, they decide to use Java, Hadoop, Spark, and Hive as their technology stack. They also plan to use Docker and Kubernetes for deployment.

graph A[Project Requirements] --> B[Evaluation of Technologies] B --> C[Team's Expertise] C --> D[Project's Constraints] D --> E[Final Decision] E --> F[Java, Hadoop, Spark, Hive, Docker, Kubernetes]

Case Study 3: Mobile Application for a Restaurant

A restaurant wants to develop a mobile application for online ordering. The team is proficient in Swift and Firebase. After understanding the project Requirements and evaluating the available technologies, they decide to use Swift for iOS development, Kotlin for Android development, and Firebase for backend as their technology stack.

graph A[Project Requirements] --> B[Evaluation of Technologies] B --> C[Team's Expertise] C --> D[Project's Constraints] D --> E[Final Decision] E --> F[Swift, Kotlin, Firebase]


Introduction to Technology Stack

A technology stack, also known as solutions stack or data ecosystem, is a list of all the technology Services used to build and run one single application. It's a combination of programming Languages, frameworks, and Tools that developers use to build an application. The two main Components of any app are client-side (front-end) and server-side (back-end). Each layer of the application is built atop the one below, thus creating a 'stack'.

Importance of Technology Stack in Software Development

Choosing the right technology stack is key to the success of a project. The technology stack not only impacts the speed and timeline of the project, but also the ability to scale and future maintenance. A well-planned technology stack can result in lower costs, faster time to market, and higher User satisfaction.

Example of a Technology Stack

A common example of a technology stack is the LAMP stack. This includes Linux as the operating System, Apache as the web server, MySQL as the relational database management System, and PHP as the Object-oriented scripting Language. Each Component contributes to the overall Functionality and performance of the web application.

Role of Technology Stack in Requirements Engineering

In the Context of Requirements Engineering, the technology stack plays a crucial Role. It helps in defining the technical requirements of the software project. The chosen stack can influence the Non-Functional requirements such as performance, Security, and scalability. It also impacts the Feasibility and cost of meeting certain Functional requirements. Therefore, understanding the technology stack is essential for effective Requirements Engineering.



Overview of the project and the importance of defining the technology stack. Briefly touch upon the Role of Requirements Engineering in software development.

Understanding Project Requirements

Detailed discussion on the project's Requirements. This includes functional and Non-Functional Requirements, business and technical Constraints, and User expectations.

Identifying Key Factors

Identification of key factors that will influence the choice of technology stack. This may include project complexity, team expertise, budget, time Constraints, and future scalability.

Researching Available Technologies

Research on the available technologies that can possibly meet the project Requirements. This includes programming Languages, frameworks, databases, and cloud Services. Discuss their pros and cons, cost, learning curve, community support, etc.

Comparing and Evaluating Technologies

Comparison and evaluation of the researched technologies based on the identified key factors. Use of decision-making Techniques such as decision matrix, SWOT analysis, or cost-benefit analysis.

Making the Decision

Final decision on the technology stack to be used. Justification of the decision based on the comparison and evaluation results.

Planning for Implementation

Planning for the Implementation of the chosen technology stack. This includes resource allocation, training needs, development timeline, and Risk management.


Summary of the Process and the decisions made. Discussion on the expected impact of the chosen technology stack on the project's success.


Understanding the Project Requirements

   Define software Goal

   Understand User needs

   Document Requirements

Evaluating the Available Technologies

   Research technologies

   Evaluate compatibility

   Assess technology cost

   Check support/community

Considering the Team's Expertise

   Assess team skills

   Consider training needs

Analyzing the Project's Constraints

   Consider deadlines

   Evaluate budget

   Assess resources

Making the Final Decision

   Finalize technology stack

   Document decision

   Communicate decision

   Stay flexible