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Technical Requirements

How to define performance requirements?

Table of Contents

  1. The Process
    1. Understanding Performance Requirements
    2. Identifying Key Performance Indicators
    3. Gathering Performance Requirements
    4. Defining Performance Requirements
    5. Validating and Prioritizing Performance Requirements
    6. Incorporating Performance Requirements into the Software Development Process
    7. Monitoring and Adjusting Performance Requirements
  2. Case Studies
  3. Example
  4. Template
  5. Checklist

The Process

timeline title How to define performance requirements? Understanding Performance Requirements: Define efficiency specifications : Consider user expectations : Analyze task nature Identifying Key Performance Indicators: Define project KPIs : Align KPIs with goals : Ensure measurable KPIs Gathering Performance Requirements: Collect stakeholder information : Conduct user surveys : Analyze system specifications Defining Performance Requirements: Make SMART requirements : State system conditions : Specify performance standard Validating and Prioritizing Performance Requirements: Validate with stakeholders : Prioritize requirements : Conduct feasibility discussions Incorporating Performance Requirements into the Software Development Process: Design with performance : Test for performance : Address performance issues Monitoring and Adjusting Performance Requirements: Monitor software performance : Compare with requirements : Adjust system or requirements

Understanding Performance Requirements

Performance Requirements in software development refer to the Specifications that define the Efficiency of the System under certain conditions. These Requirements might include processing speed, response time, resource usage, throughput, and scalability. Understanding these Requirements is the first step in defining them for your software project. It's crucial to consider the User's expectations, the System's operational environment, and the nature of the Tasks the software will perform.

Identifying Key Performance Indicators

Once you understand what Performance Requirements are, it's time to identify the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your project. KPIs are measurable values that demonstrate how effectively a company is achieving key business objectives. In the Context of software development, KPIs could be related to System performance, User satisfaction, or business impact. It's important to choose KPIs that align with your project's Goals and that can be realistically measured and achieved.

Gathering Performance Requirements

Gathering Performance Requirements involves collecting information from various sources, including Stakeholders, Users, and system Specifications. This Process might involve interviews, surveys, or analysis of existing Systems. The Goal is to obtain a clear and comprehensive understanding of what the software needs to do and how well it needs to do it. It's important to document these Requirements in a way that is clear, concise, and measurable.

Defining Performance Requirements

After gathering all necessary information, you can start defining the Performance Requirements for your software. Each requirement should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). It should clearly state what the System should do, under what conditions, and to what standard. For example, 'The System should be able to handle 1000 simultaneous Users without performance degradation.'

Validating and Prioritizing Performance Requirements

Once you've defined your Performance Requirements, it's important to validate them with Stakeholders and prioritize them based on business needs. This Process might involve further discussions, simulations, or prototyping. The Goal is to ensure that the Requirements are feasible, necessary, and beneficial to the project. Prioritizing the Requirements can help you focus on the most important aspects of System performance first.

Incorporating Performance Requirements into the Software Development Process

Performance Requirements should be incorporated into every stage of the software development Process, from design and coding to testing and maintenance. This ensures that performance is not an afterthought, but a key consideration throughout the project. It also helps to identify and address performance issues early on, before they become more difficult and costly to fix.

Monitoring and Adjusting Performance Requirements

After the software is deployed, it's important to monitor its performance and compare it to the defined Requirements. If the software is not meeting its Performance Requirements, adjustments may need to be made to the System or the Requirements themselves. This Process of continuous monitoring and adjustment helps to ensure that the software continues to meet its Performance Requirements as conditions change.

Case Studies

Case Study 1: High-Performance Gaming Software

A gaming company is developing a high-performance game. They define Performance Requirements including high processing speed and low response time. KPIs include User satisfaction and System performance. After gathering and defining Requirements, they are validated and prioritized. The Requirements are integrated into the development Process and continuously monitored and adjusted post-deployment.

graph A[Understanding Performance Requirements] --> B[Identifying KPIs] B --> C[Gathering Performance Requirements] C --> D[Defining Performance Requirements] D --> E[Validating and Prioritizing Requirements] E --> F[Incorporating into Development Process] F --> G[Monitoring and Adjusting Requirements]

Case Study 2: Business Software Upgrade

A business is upgrading their internal software. They define Performance Requirements focusing on scalability and resource usage. KPIs include business impact. After gathering and defining Requirements, they are validated and prioritized. The Requirements are integrated into the development Process and continuously monitored and adjusted post-deployment.

graph A[Understanding Performance Requirements] --> B[Identifying KPIs] B --> C[Gathering Performance Requirements] C --> D[Defining Performance Requirements] D --> E[Validating and Prioritizing Requirements] E --> F[Incorporating into Development Process] F --> G[Monitoring and Adjusting Requirements]

Case Study 3: Mobile App Development

A start-up is developing a mobile app. They define Performance Requirements including low response time and high throughput. KPIs include User satisfaction. After gathering and defining Requirements, they are validated and prioritized. The Requirements are integrated into the development Process and continuously monitored and adjusted post-deployment.

graph A[Understanding Performance Requirements] --> B[Identifying KPIs] B --> C[Gathering Performance Requirements] C --> D[Defining Performance Requirements] D --> E[Validating and Prioritizing Requirements] E --> F[Incorporating into Development Process] F --> G[Monitoring and Adjusting Requirements]


Introduction to Performance Requirements

Performance Requirements in software engineering define how well the System performs under specific conditions. These Requirements may include processing speed, response time, resource usage, throughput, and scalability. These are crucial for ensuring the System's Reliability, Efficiency, and overall User satisfaction.

Example of a Typical Performance Requirement

Let's consider a web-based application that provides online banking Services. A typical Requirement">Performance Requirement for this application could be: 'The System should be able to handle 10,000 simultaneous Users during peak hours with a response time not exceeding 3 seconds for 90% of the transactions.' This Requirement outlines the expected user load and the acceptable response time, ensuring that the System can efficiently handle peak loads without compromising the user experience.

Importance of Performance Requirements

Performance Requirements are crucial in maintaining the Quality of the software. They help in identifying potential performance bottlenecks and guide the design and architecture of the System to meet these Requirements. They also form the basis for performance testing, which validates whether the System meets the defined performance criteria.

Challenges in Defining Performance Requirements

Defining Performance Requirements can be challenging due to the dynamic nature of System Behavior and User expectations. It requires a thorough understanding of the System's Functionality, the expected User load, and the operating environment. It also involves making assumptions about usage patterns, which may change over time. Therefore, Performance Requirements should be reviewed and updated regularly to align with the changing needs.


In conclusion, Performance Requirements play a vital Role in the successful delivery of a software Product. They ensure that the System can handle the expected load and deliver a satisfactory User experience. While defining Performance Requirements can be challenging, it is a critical step in the software development Process that cannot be overlooked.



This section introduces the concept of Performance Requirements and their importance in software development. It may also provide a brief overview of the steps that will be discussed in the following sections.

Understanding Performance Requirements

This chapter explains what Performance Requirements are, including their Role and significance in software development. It may also discuss different types of Performance Requirements such as speed, scalability, and Reliability.

Identifying Performance Requirements

This section provides a guide on how to identify Performance Requirements. It includes Techniques and strategies for identifying these Requirements, such as interviewing Stakeholders, analyzing System usage, and studying business Processes.

Documenting Performance Requirements

This chapter discusses how to properly document Performance Requirements. It covers the importance of clear and concise documentation, as well as the use of diagrams and Models to illustrate Requirements.

Prioritizing Performance Requirements

This section provides a guide on how to prioritize Performance Requirements based on their importance and impact on the System. It may include Techniques such as the MoSCoW Method or the Kano Model.

Validating Performance Requirements

This chapter discusses how to validate Performance Requirements to ensure they are achievable and meet the needs of the System. It may include Techniques such as prototyping, simulation, and use of performance testing Tools.

Communicating Performance Requirements

This section provides a guide on how to effectively communicate Performance Requirements to Stakeholders, including developers, project managers, and clients. It may also discuss the importance of maintaining open and clear communication throughout the development Process.

Managing Changes to Performance Requirements

This chapter discusses how to manage changes to Performance Requirements during the development Process. It includes strategies for handling changes without affecting the System's performance or the project's timeline.


This section summarizes the steps in defining Performance Requirements and emphasizes their importance in creating high-Quality software. It may also provide additional resources for further learning.


Understanding Performance Requirements

   Define Efficiency Specifications

   Consider User expectations

   Analyze Task nature

Identifying Key Performance Indicators

   Define project KPIs

   Align KPIs with Goals

   Ensure measurable KPIs

Gathering Performance Requirements

   Collect Stakeholder information

   Conduct User surveys

   Analyze System Specifications

Defining Performance Requirements

   Make SMART Requirements

   State System conditions

   Specify performance standard

Validating and Prioritizing Performance Requirements

   Validate with Stakeholders

   Prioritize Requirements

   Conduct Feasibility discussions

Incorporating Performance Requirements into the Software Development Process

   Design with performance

   Test for performance

   Address performance issues

Monitoring and Adjusting Performance Requirements

   Monitor software performance

   Compare with Requirements

   Adjust System or Requirements